


Whether you're renewing your membership, giving a little extra, or supporting us for the first time, your fiscal-year-end donation to TPT is tax deductible (to the extent of the law) and helps us fulfill our mission of enriching lives and strengthening our community through the power of media.

You'll also receive member benefits like TPT magazine, our monthly program guide; discounts at local retailers; and free access to our streaming service, TPT Passport, unlocking the full library of shows on the PBS App using your favorite streaming devices or on our website.

All contributions from NEW donors through August 31 will be doubled by the TPT Member Challenge Fund! New and upgraded monthly Sustaining contributions from current and renewing members will be added to the Member Challenge Fund to provide incentive for new donors to give!

Your Contribution

You are currently giving {user_data~MRC Amount Membership Qualifying~$<error reading amount>} {user_data~Recurring Pledge Frequency}. Please select your new giving amount below.

Recurring Sustaining gifts keep our budget balanced and are easy on yours!

This giving level qualifies you for TPT Passport streaming!

If you donate $5+ monthly or $60+ annually, you qualify for TPT Passport streaming!

Your Information

Matching Gifts

Double Your Impact! See if your company will match your donation by searching/selecting here.

Payment Information

You will be redirected to to complete your donation when you click the Submit button below.